Me olemme Juli Living

Usein kysyttyä

Who can rent a Juli home?

Everyone is welcome to live in Juli homes! To rent a home online we only require you to verify your identity online, not have any payment defaults, and pay an advance rent fee. You can pay the advance rent fee with a credit card, online banking details, or another electronic payment method. For online identity verification, you do need to have a Finnish social security number.

You must be at least 18 years old to rent a Juli home. In addition, we require that the information you provide is correct and that you sign the rental agreement in your own name. Currently, the agreement cannot be signed in the company's name.

Depending on your work and study situation, the rental decision may require further assessment of your overall living situation, in which case you will be automatically directed to our customer service and we will contact you soon. If necessary, customer service also helps to rent the home in other ways.

We reserve the right not to accept the rental agreement if there is a suspicion that the apartment is being used for criminal activities or if you already have rent debts from a previous Juli home. In addition, possible problems in your housing history with us are a reason for not accepting an agreement.

For now, the rental agreement and rental conditions are only available in Finnish. Signing a rental agreement requires that the agreement and conditions are understood.

Our customer service is happy to help you in English!

See more detailed instructions for renting a Juli home online

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Palaa usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin
  • Vuokra-asunnot
  • Miksi Juli
  • Ympäristö edellä
  • Me olemme Juli Living
  • Usein kysyttyä
  • Oma Juli
  • Ota yhteyttä
  • In English
  • Rekisteriseloste
  • Tietoja verkkokaupasta
  • Evästeet
  • Vuokra-asunnot Espoo
  • Vuokra-asunnot Helsinki
  • Vuokra-asunnot Tampere
  • Vuokra-asunnot Turku
  • Vuokra-asunnot Vantaa